Monday, October 10, 2005

Vacation Pre-Post

I dropped off my film today so I'll post a few pics soon.

Concerning Vegas and Money:
After Judas hung himself the disciples decided to replace his number in the 12. There were two men nominated who had been with them from the beginning (hangers on), Matthias and Barsabas. They cast lost and Matthias got the post, Barsabas got the shaft. So casting lost is kind of a fickle way to choose but nobody seemed to complain. My point is when you go to vegas you return Matthias choosen by fate for riches or Barsabas forgotten and out of luck.

I returned as 35% Matthias and 65% Barsabas.

More to come


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I guess I'm 35% happy for you. Glad you are back safe.


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