Sunday, July 22, 2007

Low in the grave I lay

Tuesday we had the Teddy Bear Tea party and I suspect one of our little princesses passed on their child germs to me. I started to sweat (not uncommon) and cough (actually uncommon). Thus began my tale of sickness.

I got home around 5 and hit the sack and slept in fevered way until 9pm. Then I got up shock myself, took two Advil and went back to sleep.

Wednesday morning, my condition had worsened. Now I was running a fever and had trouble taking deep breaths without fits of coughing. I began to medicate with Alkaseltzer and Nyquil.

I became a real Alkaseltzer connoisseur. Tablets disolved in water lost their zing. So I tried it with Sprite, Orange Juice (nasty), and Orange Gatorade (not bad).

Wednesday evening I went to CVS and bought foodstuffs, I only had pickle juice and tamales from last Christmas.

Thursday was the day for being either sweaty or shivering cold. And my dreams were nightmares were a laticwork would encompass and overtake anything that my brain thought of. If I thought of a person he would appear then get eaten by the strange mechanical framework. It sounds stange to read it now, but at the time it was terrifying. The machine was testing me, anything I loved it took from me.

I awoke and had to check my phone to determine it was friday. I had a bried period of lucidity, followed by a crash into teeth chattering coldness. Sometime on thursday I had gone to the doctor but don't remember driving. I took the perscription and drank it as regulalrly as I could. It was horrible. I allowed myself to swish and spit but not swallow.

Saturday, I woke and showered and convinced myself I should go buy Harry Potter. I make it back alive. I slept and read, slept and read. Sunday I woke and felt like a shadow of myself, but came to church. I've returned to the land of the living.

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At 6:38 PM, Blogger stacey4 said...

That is a bummer. I feel bad...I could have brought you something if I had known.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea.... Going to doctor. Bad idea.... not remembering how you arrived and returned. Good to see you conquered your fear of doctors for one day.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you were feeling well enough for dinner last night. Enjoyed it. How weird is it to have flu season in the middle of Summer? You are not the only one I've heard who is suffering.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...


"How are you Trey, you were pretty sick on Friday?"

"Friday I was on death's doorstep, today I'm better, I'm on death's stoop."

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the use of having an "Other Mom" in town if you don't let her know when she can be of use? I am well acquainted with the inside of pharmacies and would have been happy to 'fetch'. Please call!!!!!!


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