Sunday, April 16, 2006

LTC Wrapup

It's was awesome.
It is over.
Here is a brief wrap up of metals:
Gold GOLD, gold gold gold
gOld goLd golD
(Bronze... silver)
Danny gave some new definitions for LTC:
Easter Lost in The Confussion
Long Term Commitment
Back at Altamesa I always called it Leadership Training for Craig becuase he had to organize everything and it was stressful.
In short I am proud of our kids as much for how they performed for how they behaved. We didn't run wild and free in the hallways. I had to tell a group of kids not from our church to stop playing football in the hallway at 11:15pm! Where were their parents. I wanted to ask, "Where is your mother? Doesn't she love you?" But our kids behaved well and performed extremely well!
It was good to see Altamesa kids and other church friends from Camp! I'm excited about this summer again!
Why does Blogspot not always recognize line breaks, if I don't put something on a line it deletes it and crowds my page.


At 9:12 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

Way to go SR kids. There really were lots of golds.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bible hour was neat. We discussed with the 3rd graders why they did what they did, and encouraged the younger groups to get involved next year. All told, I'd say it was worth it. Now, bring on VBS!

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Look at the tab at the top of the page and make sure its on "compose" and not "edit html". If its on compose, it should recognize the line breaks. In html put "br" inside the > and < signs (only switched. I can't actually type it as it should or it will transfer it to html in the comment box!)

Back to LTC...its so weird how LTC can be such a big part of my life for so many years, but now it is at the point to where i forgot it even existed! I'm glad it went well and maybe I'll make it out there next year.


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