Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Open Mouth Insert Foot

I just can't help myself. Sometime I say stupid things. I always regret it when it dawns on me what I've said. I am carrying new guilt now, which I can try and roll in with that ball of old guilt. Pretty soon my guilt ball will outweighed me and it will be pushing me around.

I think I do this less often that I did when I was 16 but it still crops up from time to time. What can I do to change? I'm thinking of taking some kind of vow of silence. (Including typing and writing for communication.) But knowing me I wouldn't take it seriously I would just end up pretending to be a mime and ruin it.

What can I do? I guess I have to just try and do better. When I was 16 this happened almost daily. Now, at 26 it is like monthly. Hopefully, at 36 it will only be quarterly; yearly at 46. But that means that I have like 100 foot-in-mouth moments left in my life. I apologize to all of you who have to share a world with me. I'm a jerk, a guilty-feeling jerk, but still a jerk.

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