Friday, August 19, 2005


Ok. Everyone who's already annoyed with Superman/Batman thing just skip this one. It is more for Brian and myself than anyone else.

First, my new source:

The Wikipedia is a must have link for everything you'd ever want to know.

Now Wikipedia helps answer Brian's questions about Kryptonite.

How come so much kryptonite made it to earth?

"In the traditional comics, kryptonite was believed to have originally arrived on Earth due to the experimental warp drive in the spaceship that brought Kal-El to Earth causing the ship to drag behind it all manner of debris, including a substantial amount of kryptonite. A similar explanation was also used in the 1990s television series Superman: The Animated Series and the 2000s television series Smallville." - (Short version the warp drived sucked it in.)

Why would the stuff on Krpton kill Kryptonians?

"It was a mildly radioactive element that was formed in the crust of the planet Krypton as the result of an ancient Kryptonian war. As millennia passed, the radiation from this mineral began to kill Kryptonians; it became known as the "green plague." This eventually led to the planet's core becoming unstable, leading to the destruction of Krypton." - (Short version - it is toxic waste that eventually blew up krypton.)

Also Batman and Lex Luthor have been able to synthesize kryptonite.

Well there you have it, a readily available, deadly source of fun for Superman.

Again I'm sorry, I won't do any more comic stuff until Next weeks Fantastic 4 discussion.


At 3:51 PM, Blogger nairb said...

I relent.

Crazy thing is, I am not really any kind of comic book person. I just hate the math of it all.

I frankly respect batman more for his gadget creation. If things go bad for SM he just makes the earth turn backwards until he gets his way.

How about that for a 180?

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am changing my mind entirely. Like you said today, if Superman wanted to do away with Batman, all he would have to do is throw a car on him from about a mile away (thus rendering Kryptonite useless), and Batman would be Bat butter.
Might makes right, apparently.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Wezie said...

I still they should both die...


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