Monday, January 09, 2006

The Lady in the Fabric Store with the Big Mouth

So I was in the fabric store buying material and a pattern as I often do on a Saturday afternoon (cough).

And as the fabric lady starts cutting the fabric I mention to my friend who I'm with that my New Years Revolution of exercise is going well. And I facetiously remarked that I would eat whatever I wanted and ride my bike like a madman to get into shape.

This appeared to anger the Fabric Story Lady with the Big Mouth (FSLwBM). She went off on me telling me about how unhealthy that was. I just nodded assuming she'd say one or two sentences and then get back to cutting the fabric. But noooo.... Ms. FSLwBM just kept right on trucking. She told me about about diabetes and other diseases. Then she said I'd be a skinny but unhealthy person. To this my friend, Cajun Cowgirl, remarked "About now, I'd take unhealthy to be skinny."

We all had a good laugh but FSLwBM wouldn't stop. I tried to ignore her. I tried to talk about fabric but she would not relent. She was asking about a history of high bloodpressure in my family and ender with something like, "Do you really think that's a good idea?" I said, "What? Three yards of fabric? Yes, I think three yards of fabric is a good idea." (Trying to remind her she was just the FSLwBM and not my dietitian.) I think she went on talking about my weight for half an hour after we left. Why does the entire world conspire against me?

But seriously folks, I have been doing well. I've decided on working up to longer rides by exercising 6 days a week. Here is my weekly progress on the bike.

Time: 1hr 30 min (actually a bit more but I'm recording time as much as I am distance.)
Goal Distance: 24.2 Miles
Actual Distance: 25.0 Miles.
Average Speed: 16.7 mph

I've upped next weeks goal distance to keep pushing myself.


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annoying, but she's provided you with a new reason to laugh in the future. From now on, whenever someone you meet comments inappropriately about a discussion they were not supposed to be in, you can wink at whoever you're with that knows the story and say, "Fabric store lady", or some such other shorthand. It becomes an inside joke.

In our family the phrase is "Needs a charge" (wink wink) My car wouldn't start without intervention, we were at Wal Mart (where all Mensa members shop, right?) to get it fixed, and another customer seemed to think we needed his advice........nuff said.

Alice McD

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I bet if we found FSLwBM's blog, she'd probably have a post about some idiot who just wanted to work out and eat whatever he wanted and then was SOOO rude when she tried to offer some "helpful advice."

That is so annoying. At some point i would have stopped her and been like "Look, have you ever heard of a thing called sarcasm? Sometimes people use it when they're talking to their friends and it often gets mistaken for fact by annoying sales people who need to learn to mind their own busines...." I think your motivation is great! I'm borrowing my motivation from Tempestt Bledsoe on Celebrity Fit Club 3.

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I had fun egging her on so that she kept talking and talking and talking...

Yes, the new job is going great. Thanks for asking!

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You reckon she has a poster of Richard Simmons in her "workout room" at home? Stay away from the spandex!

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like just another muslin extremist.

G. W. Bush


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