Saturday, December 31, 2005

3, 2, 1 Christmas is over

These are the final three categories. I'm happy to wax poetic on them as well but my drive has gone out now that Christmas is over.

Three Gift Giving Traditions:
3) Free for all - The most fun. My advise, wear body armor.
2) The Anal Retentive - One at a time, everyone gets to see everyone's gifts in great detail. My advise, bring a book and wear a catheter it may take a while.
1) Chinese Gift Exchange - My least favorite. Everyone agrees to bring a gift whose value is sure to make shopping difficult and the recipient ungrateful. Then you anger your friends and coworkers by stealing things. My advise, pretend to forget to bring something and pocket the $15.

Two competing Holidays (People say holidays to avoid god but holiday has it's roots in "Holy Days.")
2) Kwanzaa - Kwanzaa is a "holiday", Kwanza (with one a) is a currency an African currency. This isn't even really a "Holy Day." For Pete's sake it was only founded in 1966! But it has been elevated by the media to the level of Christmas and Chanukah.
1) Hanukkah - At least this is a real holy day. Pros - 8 days of gifts. Cons - they are all from stingy Jewish relatives.

Two thousand years ago, the son of God was born under the worst possible set of circumstances. A poor laborer finds his virgin fiance is with child. The neighbors likely talked, few would believe the virgin birth story if the parents were odd enough to share it. So we have a poor baby of uncertain parentage born in a barn. And forget than hospital clean nativity scene from the front lawn of the weird family down the road. This was a grungy barn, full of animals from all the residents of the inn who had travel for the census. The good news is that no matter how unimpressive your origin is, Jesus has you beat. God sent him for us. Jesus had free will just like us, was tempted like us, but unlike us he didn't sin. Years later, that poor dirty baby would cause a media stir and have to be killed for being too popular. He allowed this to happen for a very good reason: He loves you.

I don't care that we don't know Jesus' birth day to be Dec 25th! I just hope we didn't miss another opportunity this year to tell the world about the Baby who would be King.

Merry Christmas.



At 3:52 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

where are the narnia pics, fool

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narnia was the coolest thing I have ever seen at the church. I thought Cecelia was creative, but things have really gone up another notch with you here. Good job, Son!

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

you guys did an amazing job with narnia!

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a previledge to serve the children at Saturn Road with you and all the talented staff/volunteers. What I would have done to have church be so much fun as a child. I pray the kids will carry on with what they are learning.
I'm with you on Chinese gift exchange. It seems more and more folks try to be too cute/funny with the gifts and therefore the allure is gone. As a child we did the free for all and over time (as everything was over in a flash) we went to one at a time. Now we are back to free for all. Just make sure there are Legos under the tree and I'm safe for another year.


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