Friday, September 09, 2005

Spider-man and President Bush

Mrs. Hey Man replied that those with power of a responsibility to help. (I am not allowed to reveal her true name under penalty of eye rolling.)

Spiderman often says the same thing, "With great power comes great responsibility." He learned this lesson when he refused to interfere and a villain he could have stopped later killed his Uncle Ben.

At first the robber didn't seem to have anything to do with Peter Parker's life... then wham! It hits home. Looking out only for onself can have lasting consequences. Even in comic books where people always come back from the dead as often as in soap operas, there is a saying, "Nobody stays dead but Uncle Ben." (Sometimes people say, "Nobody stays dead but Bucky and Uncle Ben." Bucky being Captain America's sidekick in the 40's. But it appears he may be back as the Winter Soldier. A hitman who staying in cryogenic stasis between missions.)

Likewise, Bush sees that if we don't intervene across the globe it will hit home. You can learn everything you need from comic books.

I'll end with some cartoons I found of questionable content.


At 4:04 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

i am willing to admit that spiderman and yourself both have a good point. "with great power comes great responsibility," and whether we agree with what is going on or not, the strength of this nation dictates that we take action.

i never imagined myself quoting a fictional superhero before. it is a rather odd feeling.

also, what is with the word verification? what does it do?

At 8:09 PM, Blogger nairb said...


At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment has been altered slightly. I said that with great PRIVILEDGE comes great responsiblity. We are an incredibly priviledged people. We have more stuff, comfort, leisure, etc., than we know what to do with, and more than is better for us, in many instances. That is why it is very important that we accept responsibility also, or we will completely degenerate.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Jen - You've never quoted a fictional character? You've never said, "A rose by any other name" or "Brevity is the soul of wit." These are from fictional characters. Only they were written by Shakespeare not Stan Lee.

Word verification keeps spammers from having autonomous programs drop hundreds of comments on different blogs. It makes it so only a human can past not a piece of software. You'll eventually see it on another blog. A post that say something tempting then offers a link, they are trying to sell something. I apologize for the hastle.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Mrs. Hey Man said!!!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

i said that i have never quoted a fictional superhero.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

"when you put it on paper it all becomes fiction"


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